Why Leashing is Bad for Junglers and Botlaners in League of Legends

In the world of League of Legends (LoL), the decision to leash or not to leash for your jungler has been a topic of debate for years. While it may seem like a small gesture of teamwork, leashing can actually have significant negative consequences for both junglers and botlaners. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why leashing is bad in most cases and how it can put your team at a disadvantage.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that Riot Games has made significant changes to the jungle camps, reducing the damage dealt by non-jungle item holders. This means that leashing is no longer as effective as it was in previous seasons. Most junglers can now start alone and finish their full clear with 100% health, regardless of whether they receive a leash or not.

One of the main drawbacks of leashing is that it reveals your jungler’s starting position to the enemy team. This information allows skilled opponents to track your jungler’s pathing more easily, setting up counter-ganks or adjusting their wave management to avoid ganks. By leashing, you’re essentially giving away valuable information that can be used against your team.

For botlaners, leashing can be particularly detrimental to their laning phase. When you leash, you arrive in lane later than your opponents, putting you at an immediate disadvantage. Smart enemy botlaners can capitalize on this by denying you experience, setting up slow pushes, or gaining priority in the lane. This allows them to dictate the pace of the game, invade your jungler, set up vision, or roam to other lanes. In essence, by leashing, you’re giving your opponents the upper hand and making it harder for yourself to succeed in lane.

Moreover, leashing makes you vulnerable to cheese strategies. For example, if you’re playing against a Karma and Ezreal botlane and you leash, Karma can sit in the first bush and hit you with a Mantra Q as soon as you enter lane, taking away a significant portion of your health. The normal counterplay to this is to walk with the minion wave to block the Mantra Q, but if you’ve leashed, you’ll be late to the lane and unable to do so.

It’s time for players to realize that leashing is an outdated practice that can hinder your team’s success. While some junglers in lower elos may get upset if you don’t leash, it’s important to prioritize your own laning phase and overall game plan. Satisfying a jungler’s ego won’t necessarily translate to winning more games. If a jungler gets mad at you for not leashing, it’s likely that they don’t fully understand the current state of jungling and how to adapt to the changes.

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In final words, leashing is bad for both junglers and botlaners in the vast majority of cases. It provides little benefit to the jungler while putting the botlane at a significant disadvantage. By not leashing, you can maintain the element of surprise, secure priority in your lane, and avoid falling victim to cheese strategies. As a player, it’s important to stay informed about the meta and make decisions that will give your team the best chance of success, even if it means going against outdated conventions.